Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Three Ways to Forge Ahead
(When You Want to Sit Down and Cry)

I got up particularly early this morning. I had some work obligations to get through -- nothing too hard, but it had to be done in the wee hours. So imagine my disappointment when my kid woke up an hour early as well. Crying bitter tears.

After feeding her, playing with her, even turning on the TV (a last resort, I swear), she was still weepy and clingy and wouldn't leave me alone long enough to read an email, let alone get my work done. I really thought I would sit down and cry.

I usually have three ways to get through any type of frustration, and this morning I did them all:

1. Hand off: Get someone else to help you, or even just be in charge long enough for you to get your equilibrium back. This morning, it was waking up my husband and telling him, "Tag, you're it. Please."

2. Shower: Nobody can follow you into the shower. The shower is warm and relaxing. You can metaphorically wash that anything out of your hair.

3. Walk: Just moving your legs and getting air into your lungs will free up your mind and let you get some perspective.

I didn't get my work done on time, but that was clearly never going to happen anyway. And when I was finally able to turn back to it, I had the patience and focus to just get it done. Pat me on the back; I made it.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

couldn't have come at a better time... thanks