Thursday, February 5, 2009

Living on Half a Million

Can we all just agree that $500,000 is enough to live on? Even in spendy spendy New York City? Not to be bitter, but I'm not getting a bonus this year, because the company I work for didn't hit its numbers (even though my department did quite well.) And we're not getting merit raises, either. Oh, and there will be layoffs.

My friends are scared they'll lose their jobs. My local storeowners are scared they'll lose their businesses. And some probably will.

So enough with the excuses and justifications. If I'm in agreement with Donald Trump, this debate is over.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

my quandary: Why would the president have to set this cap in the first place? If a business was so close to folding wouldn't PAY CUTS, especially for the over paid big guys, be the first step to recovery?? if they take a 10% pay cut (which would still have them make well over 500k) and then they save a whole department full of employee's jobs.

i'm just sayin.... ok rant over.