Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What? I'm Just Relaxing

It's not that I drink a lot of wine. I just drink a little wine. All the time.

Being a mom is stressful. With a full-time job as well, it can be torturous. So the first thing I do when I get home at night is relax with a glass of red wine. Sometimes -- say, six of seven nights -- I'll have another with dinner. And then I'll cozy up with one more as I watch Jon Stewart.

You'd never know I'm a domestic lush unless you noticed that nasty, purple ring that red-wine tannins leave on the inside of your mouth. It's particularly embarrassing when you notice after the teleconference with India in the morning. So imagine how pleased I am to find this bu-RILL-yant invention that ends the vampire mouth:

Wine Wipes. All my friends are getting them in their stockings this year.

Photo credit: flickr.com, miqul

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